
Reintegration of Lost Spaces in the Divided City of Nicosia
Can the notion of a border be transformed to be a symbol of unity rather than division?

Death and the City
How do we design for the dead in a dense, urban environment like Tokyo?

Fribourg Natural History Museum
Can an existing warehouse be used as an asset in the design of a new Natural History Museum for the city of Fribourg?

How do you design a parametric installation that is both object and exhibit?

Lost Spaces: Intangible Heritage Pavilions
Coming Soon

Sensory Cinema
The cinema typology has always been horizontal, but how could it work as vertical infill?

The city of Austin, TX is rapidly growing. What housing alternatives are possible beyond high rises and bungalows?

Coming Soon

Digital Documentation
How can we utilize cutting edge tools in order to understand our built heritage and be better designers?

Brackenridge Masterplan
Austin is the quintissential landscape city in the US, but as it expands can it take lessons from the compact city model of Madrid?

Can an installation bring wonder AND provide a warning about climate change?

Wobble Bench
Coming Soon
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