selected works/design/
brackenridge masterplan
Team - Nathan Sheperd | Critic - Juan Miro
UTSOA Design Excellence Award | Spring 2015
The focus of this studio was to explore the potential
of Austin’s urban fabric and develop a masterplan proposal for a large portion of land known as the Brackenridge
Tract that sits adjacent to the downtown area. As a studio, our initial research examined the potentialof denser, more urban housing: comparing the compact
city model of Madrid to the landscape city modelof Austin. Through different housing project research
and seeing first hand the benefits of a dense urbancore during a week-long travel experience to Madrid,
we applied the development strategies of both cities,
proposing a solution that combined the best of bothworlds. As much as the European city model is desirable
in urban planning, we recognized that the growthof Austin as a lower density model integrated in nature as what made it unique. Hence, the proposal uses a
variety of density scales, becoming a natural transitionfrom the quiet neighborhoods that surround the area.
The Brackendridge Fields proposal takes advantage
of the Brackenridge Tract as an opportunity to supportAustin’s larger urban trajectory. The proposal
offers an expansive park for the city bordered with 34 blocks of mixed use development. This development
consists of dense living options and civic facilities
that serve the University and local schools. Additionally,the scheme builds upon the existing traffic
corridor providing an East-West connection whilealso envisioning the expansion of public transport
through a new light rail corridor. Rather than treat
the edges as a buffer zone, Brackenridge Fields seesthis area as an opportunity to implement a prototypical
solution to dramatic differences in urban density.
“As much as the European city model
is desirable in urban planning, we
recognized that the growth of Austin
as a lower density model (integrated in
nature) was what made it unique.”
The housing blocks follow the perimeter block model,
maintaining a “hard” street network with “soft” pockets of interior courtyards. Green fingers alleviate the density,
transforming a dense buffer into an urban filter.These routes facilitate access to the park in a way that
integrates old with new and public with private, offeringmoments of pause and a smaller, more personal
scale for people to enjoy. Throughout the design processwe aimed to be sensitive to the existing conditions
surrounding the site and in this way hoped to preserve
the existing feel of the neighborhoods. The cross-sectionof the development transitions from house to
high-rise in a matter of just four blocks. Following a
progression of typologies, the density increases fromtownhomes to condominiums, residential mid-rises
and high-rises. These high-rises define the edge of thepark zone, while acting as a visual signal for new urban
development. Ultimately, a new district is created that
functions as an amenity for the whole city while maintainingthe character of Austin with increased density.
© michaelrahmatoulin 2024