selected works/design/

hillock microbrewery

Critic - Benjamin Ibarra | Spring 2018

Lometa | Texas

One of the most resilient programs in underdeveloped and declining communities has been craft breweries. Historically, Lometa was a hospitality town that relied on its tourists, coming alive at every arriving train and the doors of its shops, hotel and salloon eagerly welcoming
in weary travelers. Over time, Lometa was no longer a stop along the Santa Fe rail line and fast forwarding to present day, the Amtrak Passenger trains no longer run at all through this sleepy town. With the loss of the train came the loss of the businesses and the saloon was no exception.

Introducing a microbrewery into the historic core of Lometa is an attempt to bring together the community and encourage use of the historic district, helping the town repurpose it’s existing building stock and land to create a multipurpose plaza that will attract both local and visitors alike.

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